S6500 SIGMA User Interface

  • Integrated Multimeter
  • SIGMA User Interface
  • SIGMA Remote Control
  • C/B Status
  • CAN Bus
  • Pin Code Protected
  • Redundant Supply

SIGMA is an integrated generator protection and control system. The system is of high quality, is cost effective and easy to use.

The SELCO S6500 SIGMA UI Module is a flush mountable user interface for the SIGMA range of modules.

The S6500 fills the role of a flush mount digital multimeter as well as a configuration terminal. The S6500 will provide real-time readings of voltages, currents, active/reactive load, VA, frequency, etc.

A single S6500 can support up to 16 S6000 and S6100 modules. The S6500 can be used to monitor and alter parameters in parallel with an operating SCADA system.